One easy way to configure all your workloads. Everywhere.

Score is a developer-centric and platform-agnostic workload specification. It ensures consistent configuration between local and remote environments. And it's open source.

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Why use Score?

Score is loved by developers because they can run the same workload on completely different technology stacks, without needing to be an expert in any one of them.

Cognitive load

Cognitive load

Developers are forced to become experts in a variety of tech and tools, just do deploy a simple change to their apps.

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Features over Ops

Features over Ops

Score takes care of configs for developers so they can focus on shipping features instead of fighting with infrastructure.

Config drift

Config drift

Multiple config rules, constructs and values across local and remote environments increase the risk of misconfiguration.

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Local to prod

Local to prod

With Score you can easily transition from local to to remote environments. Configs stay consistent, everywhere you deploy.

YAML bloat

YAML bloat

Trying to keep many environment-specific config files in sync leads to repetitive configuration work and YAML bloat.

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One file

One file

Score lets you use one specification file as the single source of truth, easily translatable across your delivery setup.

A single spec to rule them all

A single spec to rule them all

Easily integrates in your existing workflows

Extendable and customizable

The score.yaml file can be extended and customised according to your needs. The score spec leaves room for environment specific overrides as well as platform specific extensions that allow to list additional properties or requirements.

Extendable and customizable

Declarative by nature

Score lets developers define the resources required by their workloads in a declarative way. You declare once that your workload needs to listen on a port to receive requests - and don’t not need to worry where and how the exact port is defined in e.g. a remote Kubernetes environment. By declaring what the workload needs to run, the “how” becomes an environment specific implementation detail that is taken care of by Score.

Declarative by nature

Seamless tech stack and workflow integration

Score introduces a single change to your setup by adding a score.yaml file to your workloads’ repo. Everything else stays as is. Once Score is set up, you can continue using it even if the underlying tech stack changes.

Seamless tech stack and workflow integration

How Score works


Create a score.yaml file for your workload


  name: service-a

      port: 8000
      targetPort: 80

    image: busybox
      CONNECTION_STRING: postgresql://${resources.db.username}:${resources.db.password}@${}:${resources.db.port}

    type: postgres

Install a Score Implementation


Initialize directory & generate


Run your workload


Loved by developers

I love the idea of being able to describe everything my workload needs in one file.

Marius Tolzmann

Marius Tolzmann

CTO at Mineiros

It's just so simple. Score allows to describe what a workloads needs to run and can be utilized throughout the entire development lifecycle.

Min Kim

Min Kim

Cloud Architect at Frontside Software

Running my first transform was such a fun “aha”-moment, it actually worked! I ran everything locally on Docker and pushed it to Kubernetes, really cool.

Marius Raesener

Marius Raesener

Tech Lead at BAUHAUS Deutschland