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Score is trending on GitHub!

date December 22, 2022

date 2 min read

We are happy to announce that we reached 3000 stars on GitHub, with more than 300 people watching the repo and 1200 forks. Ad maiora!
Giulia Guizzardi Giulia Guizzardi
Score is trending on GitHub!


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What’s happening in the Score-verse?

The past few weeks have been great: Susa Tünker, our PM was interviewed by Faun in their latest series “Humans behind code”, we were invited on a Twitter space led by Luca Galante from Platform Engineering, with Viktor Farcic, Kunal Kushwaha and Hila Fish, and I published a piece on Medium on everything you need to know about Score.

We are excited also because we continue to have incredible support from the open-source community: not even 7 weeks old, our GitHub repo is trending since yesterday, we reached 3000 stars on our spec and we have more than 1200 forks.

Quite an exciting way to end 2022!

What’s coming next? We are expanding our opportunities to meet contributors at events, with quite a busy schedule in 2023 and also pushing further in our community effort to share the roadmap and vision with everyone who would like to participate in the Score journey.

Thank you for your continuous support, let’s chat more in the #score channel on the CNCF Slack or on the discussion tab on GitHub!

The team behind Score

The idea for Score organically formed from looking at hundreds of delivery setups, across engineering orgs of all sizes (from startups to Fortune 100). We have all been involved in platform engineering and developer tooling for the past decade, in one way or another.Some of us built Internal Developer Platforms at the likes of Google, Apple or IBM, some come from the IaC side of things and played leading roles at companies like Hashicorp.

We all share the vision of developer and workload-centric development. We want to reduce cognitive load on developers and make sure engineers can spend their time coding and shipping features, instead of fighting config files.

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